Soon after this dastardly display of thievery, a [WIZARD] appears to comfort you. He reveals that there is a way to get [WALLET] back, but it will require a great deal of work on your part.
Yes? GREAT. [WIZARD] tells you that to reconstruct [WALLET] you will need to collect several key objects.
Wait. Did he say reconstruct? You just wanted [WALLET] returned to you.
[WIZARD] laughs. You are a fool. There is no way to get [WALLET] returned to you unless it is found by someone with a good and pure heart feels sorry for whatever rube doesn't check their purse 15x every minute to see if [WALLET] is inside. And the chance of that happening can best be described like this: slim to none. So your only choice is to reconstruct [WALLET]. And you already said you would so you're locked into this deal anyway.
[WIZARD] presents you with an itimized list. It is as follows:
>> 1. new [DRIVER'S LISENCE]
>> 4. new [WALLET]
>> 5. new [STUDENT ID]
>> 6. new [UPASS]
Here is the catch. In order to purchase [WALLET], you will need [DEBIT CARD/CHECKS]. In order to get to a place to purchase [WALLET], you will need [UPASS]. In order to get [UPASS], you need [STUDENT ID]. In order to get [STUDENT ID], you need to take the train, which requires [UPASS], and you will need $$, which requires [DEBIT CARD/CHECKS] since your $$ was in [OLD STOLEN WALLET].
In order to get [DEBIT CARD/CHECKS] you will need to go to the bank which is conventiently located in the far fifedom of [GODDAMN INDIANA]. In order to get to [GODDAMN INDIANA] you need [UPASS] and [DEBIT CARD/CHECKS]. In order to get [DEBIT CARD/CHECKS] you need to prove your identity, requiring [DRIVER'S LISENCE] and/or [SOCIAL SECURITY CARD], both of which were in [OLD STOLEN WALLET].
In order to get a new [DRIVER'S LISENCE] you must prove your identity, which requires [SOCIAL SECURITY CARD] and/or [STUDENT ID].
[WIZARD] flees the scene, laughing at your inability to solve your problems. You are left crying in the dust.
Play again?
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