Tuesday, October 27, 2009

in which I eat with chopsticks.

the other day I saw a guy fall into another dude's lap on the red line. guy 1 was trying so hard to be cool. he had big shoes and a big hat on. and his lips were all puffed out like he was going "don't mess with me" in his head, over and over again in some crazy cool guy mantra. then the subway stopped really suddenly and he fell into this dude's lap. dude 2 lost it and cracked up and just kept saying "you should've told me you were so attracted to me" over and over. guy 1 caught on fire out of shame and got off with the next train stop, probably to wait for the next subway so he could ride home with some dignity. or as much dignity as a guy has while wearing big shoes and a big hat.

my best college friend CAROL visited me this weekend and pretty much made my month. I made chicken pot pie and we looked at Halloween decorations in the neighborhood. then we went to Chinatown. her boyfriend came too... turns out he's pretty cool. he taught me how to eat with chopsticks. he isn't Chinese or anything, he just knows his way around the chopsticks. !! eating with chopsticks is such a huge achievement for me, no joke. I have been trying to eat with chopsticks for 20+ years. turns out I was holding them totally wrong. now I am chopstick guru. I can even eat rice with chopsticks. yowza!

it has kind of been raining nonstop.

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