Monday, September 14, 2009

in which I do some searching...

went home this weekend. home home as in where my parents currently live. I think they may move soon or at least I hope that they do. ever since my dad stopped working he has been going stir crazy as they say. life on that end feels like it's falling apart. my dad's hands shake when he's holding a bullatin in church. fortunately I am very sick with a crippling cold. oh, I have to sneeze, I can say, and dab my eyes. he doesn't believe me when I say I think he's brilliant. I have always thought of him as an infalliable genius. I hate seeing him cry.

I am calling every single temp agency in the chicagoland area and hoping for the best. I wax nervous/pathetic between phone calls & plan out what to wear to my interviews, when I get them. I suppose you could say I was hopeful. maybe gullible.

Q: why are there so many movies about presidents coming out? leonardo dicarpio will be teddy roosevelt. liam neeson will be abe lincoln. I will be sitting in the audience thinking about how all these movies will be shown in 1,000,000 history classes across america as soon as the dvd is released.

jesus christ with all these barking dogs in this neighborhood I am starting to feel like the son of friggin sam or something. I wake up listening to dogs barking. I go to sleep listening to dogs barking. I lay on the front room floor and yep the dogs are still barking. I am eating breakfast to the dog barking symphony in g. I am taking a shower while the pop standard, endless dogs, barks on the radio. this morning I finished the "complete barking of barky barkbark"; it was really barky bark. I am barking the barking when the bark falls on the barking bark. bark I am bark bark bark.

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