re: last blog.
setting: good descisions land. early april. modern day.
I emailed away a feud. even if it doesn't get resolved, I feel better for having said what I said. & I guess that's what's really important. or so they say, whoever they are. more on this another time. maybe. actually I think not, because I think it's done. I've let the issue drag me out enough. it's very springlike to get it over with.
I applied for 2 jobs.
....then my hands fell off, the hard drive imploded, and the computer lab caught on fire.
....shortly thereafter, the world came to a big fucking messy END.
actually I just applied for the jobs and now I am waiting patiently for a response, like 1 million other impending graduates. it is nice to finally be over that fear of applying for jobs. I am not sure what was wrong with me. pretty much this accute job application phobia, and now I've clensed myself. I even wrote 2 resumes, oh maaaaan. I am well on my way to joining the Man and becoming a Clean and Organized and Contributing Citizen. I am not sure I am prepared for THAT step, but... we'll see....
I am making a list of things that I want in life so I don't forget. I am not sure the Internet is the best place to do this because this information could fall into the wroooooong hands.
- floor made out of matresses
- tubes of jellyfish to light up a room
- purple walls + purple curtains
- sexy red dining room
- go see india and see what all the fuss is about
- probably write a book
- probably write a book that people will actually want to read (ooooo...)
- find a job?
- adopt some babies
anyway, these are exciting times that we live in.
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I would read any book you write. Even if its not a "book people want to read".
so there.
and i hope you're feeling better!!!! i dont like sick xtina!
I am glad I will have at least 1 avid reader. we will see we will see....
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