Thursday, May 8, 2008

in which, we're just learning to be still.

FINALS WEEK, also known as : a week of finality, literally.

I have been keeping to myself the past couple of days, recluse style. it's like the end of freshman year part 2. but in a way this is refreshing. I'm arming myself, prepping for the inevitable next week. I'm also: finishing papers, cleaning, getting rid of old shit, & sleeping much more than is actually healthy. yiiiikes.

yesterday my mom took me clothes shopping all day. I have never spent so much money/I have never had so much money spent on me in my whole life (maybe when I was a baby, but not since then). it was alternately terrifying and thrilling. but in the end I just had a really bitchin time with my mom, who I'm head over heels in platonic daughterly love with, partly because she threw up her raspberry fruity cocktail in the bathroom of an uno's pizza & emerged smiling & classy. a-mazing.

but I plan to rejoin the ranks of the sociable sometime soon. I think I'm finally caught up on sleep & finally over rejection. everyone finds a job, eventually. everyone works eventually. & it will all work itself out, if I stop jumping up & down stressing about it oh my god. my parents made it clear this weekend that summer doesn't have to mean starting work ASAP. if I don't have a job, I can stay home for awhile. it's cool. I got a really sweet message of reassurence from a really good friend, & another sweet email from someone I've been having lots of trouble with. & even though it's cold outside, & even though I have a physics final tonight, & even though it totally looks like something exploded in my room, I'm still okay.


theedeeter said...

not to beat a dead horse or anything (ok, so yes im ashamed of myself for not coming up with a better phrase to use), but i heart you. and while i was driving home today, i was dreaming about our trip to new york, the penis balloons, the 50 bags i bought in china town, the drag show, etc.

also, your mom is a bamf

Angela said...

Haha. Your mom sounds just as glamorous as a supermodel!

christina said...

deet: I will never get tired of you beating the dead horse of heart, if that is making sense. you're one of the best.

aiea: I've never seen anyone puke with such grace. was truly reminded of a supermodel, hah.