seriously this is the most surreal time of my life.
I have spent 12 years preparing for this and now that it's here, I have no idea what to feel. I spent 4 years wishing it would go faster so I could be somewhere else, and I'm glad to be going somewhere else, & I've always liked change. starting something new doesn't bother me. but it still seems fucking weird.
I had my last class in Regina 16 last week. that's where I spent most of my 4 years of college. I've had some of my best rehearsals there (& worst I guess--Necessary Targets, god damn you). I've spent so much time there. and then walking out last week it just hit me. I acted in my last college show sunday. & I didn't cry. I don't know when this will really get me--probably after I graduate--that none of this is going to last.
I never felt like a part of things I guess, socially. in high school I was anti everything. anti school spirit. anti sports teams. anti organized activities. & not that I regret that, or not that I would go back & change that, because I liked my anti nature. it was very purpoesful for high school & I'm glad I held onto it. but now that I've done what I've done--contributed and committed to some little organization for so long--I don't know. maybe this is all needlessly sentimental. but I feel like I was happier.
my comp reading was tonight (heeeeey wow). I sat in the ever tiny vander vennet and realized I hardly knew a single english major... but I knew every theater major. I started remembering what it felt like to not know anyone around you. to be surrounded with girls that were all giggling and comparing notes.
if I rewound & redid things, I wonder how I would be feeling right now. if I'd be at all sad to be going. I wonder if I would've taken that leave of absence.
well it's all coming to a close. it's also getting cold again: so close, spring; good try. and oh um still no job. this problem will eventually get solved, I am confident. I can be confident. right?
"All things must pass. None of life's strings can last.
So, I must be on my way and face another day."